Not likely....we'd have heard of this by now if it were true.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Is this true:
by crmsicl in
The urgent, lifesaving work of Jehovah's witnesses......hardly!!
by RayoFlight2014 insince june 2016 i have kept a journal of my encounters with jehovah's witnesses at my door or in my street.
i'm a a nosey bastard and a bit of a home body when i'm not at work so i don't miss much of who comes past my home or knocks at the door.. will and dill.. they came to my door on a wednesday morning around 10:30am mid june 2016, i was on afternoon shift and had been reading bart ehrman "misquoting jesus".. what follows is the conversation as best i could recount after they left;.
of the two young gentlemen, dillon, the younger in appearance introduced will and himself, he then proceeded to present me with a brochure about world conditions supposedly getting worse.. me: i could stand at the door nodding in agreement if you like?
Pete Zahut
I've talked to so many JW's who really believe that as JW's they don't believe that only non JW's will be spared at Armageddon.
I've asked them if the preaching work is "urgent" and they say "Yes, we're living in the time of the end and it's a life saving message that we're spreading".
I've asked them what happens to those who don't listen to your message and become Jehovah's Witnesses. You see the light come on but they'll say "We leave it up to Jehovah to read people's hearts and decide".
If he's going to read people's hearts anyway, why the urgency?
If you really want to blow their minds, ask them how long it will take them to become perfect once Armageddon is over.
They'll tell you that it will happen gradually over the 1000 year reign of Christ.
Then ask them about the extremely elderly or someone who was diagnosed with a terminal illness before Armageddon broke out and was given 6 months to a year to live. If they are spared at Armageddon because they are righteous, how will they make it for a year let alone 1000 years. Will they die of old age or that terminal illness and be resurrected later?
Once again they'll tell you that Jehovah will see to it that these things are taken care of.
They spread their teachings as if they are base on indisputable facts but magical thinking is the order of the day when their logic doesn't add up.
My new life...
by Jaidubdub inhi all, this site helped me wake up and a big thank you to all who participated.
just want to give you all an update of how things have changed (for the better).
pls excuse the long post.... i was a born in 3rd generation (on my mums side).
Pete Zahut
I did all the things we were not allowed to do: getting drunk, smoking, birthdays, Christmas, dating 'worldly' guys, sex etc. The freedom to do what you want without judgement was exhilerating and times a little over whelming
Glad to hear things are working out. Don’t be one of those XJWs who throw the baby out with the bath water and foolishly ruin their lives by behaving like naughty rebellious children. Some of the things you learned as a JW where a protection and are a benefit so use them to your advantage. I don’t understand what the big draw is in smoking and getting drunk when everyone knows the damage these things do. We’ve all seen what often happens to those who have been raised to wrongly believe that every non JW is a foul mouthed low life, living in complete debauchery and they go out and start experimenting with all the things they’ve heard about. Glad things are going well so far but they can change very quickly if you become pregnant, pick up a disease or an addiction. Be smart...prove them all wrong....Don’t become another X JW train wreck who went for the low and common things in life. It’s a great feeling when you run into an old JW friend and they marvel at how well you look, how fit and well dressed you are and how well you are doing.
Trudeau's chocolate charm.
by waton ine liked the success, explaining the repeat performanceswhy would an alpha male like the former prime minister's elliot trudeau's son justin want to appear different?
here is my theory:.
he took acting lessons, and is still using the acquired skills.
Pete Zahut
I could be wrong but it seems to me, this is a bigger deal to "virtue signaling" white people who care more about bringing a political candidate down, than they do about offending people of color. They like to sound as if their motives are more noble than they are.
From what the people of color I know say, they don't necessarily like it but aren't all that worried about it especially given the context of someone dressing up in a costume that was made more authentic by having the coloring of a person who they are emulating. Similar to a black woman wearing a blond wig if they were dressed as Marylin Monroe. Or when a black person marches in the St' Patrick Day's parade wearing a red wig and a Leprechaun costume( I've seen this). If the costume wearer was doing it to promote some negative stereotype or they were making a mockery of a racial group, then they'd have a problem with it.
Motivations for Watchtower leadership
by GetMeOutofHere ini’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
Pete Zahut
They claim to love Jehovah unconditionally but saving ones own hide is the major motivation especially since JW men are made to feel as if they'd be jeopardizing their eternal life if they didn't reach out for position, although being able. As a side benefit, they enjoy the accolades of their peer group and often times they make their wife proud of the feather she gets to wear in her cap.
Same goes for the door to door ministry. JW's claim obedience to God and love of neighbor is the main motivation but if they weren't so thoroughly convinced that eternal life vs eternal punishment was just ahead, it is highly likely that wouldn't do any of it. The higher ones level of service, the more likely it is that they'll get an eternal reward and enjoy the accolades of their peer group.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
Pete Zahut
Despite his good qualities, the fact that he wants to continue on with you in secret is evidence enough that he is not an honest man and he is very immature and cowardly (at least in this area). At this point he is incapable of being honest with himself let alone being honest enough with you, for you to invest any more time in him.
He has been lying to his family and everyone he knows, so why wouldn't it be logical to conclude that he's lying to you about his feelings and his intent? In order for JW's to be JW's and believe the doctrines that they know are nonsense, they have to learn how to lie to themselves. To survive on a physiological level, they must become adept at denying any reality that conflicts with what they've been programmed to believe. They don't even know they are doing it.
Hard as it may be at first, you've saved yourself missed opportunities with someone else and a lot of heartache down the road. Even if he were to suddenly come clean with his family tomorrow, I'd stay away from him until he has lived a good long stretch as a out of the closet non JW . It will take some time for him to find out who he really is, once he leaves. One of the things he may discover in the process, is his understanding of what constitutes a good relationship. You don't want to end up being the one who helps him make the transition out of the JW's only to find out that the growth he's experienced has moved him away from you.
Looking for Podcast recommendations.
by nicolaou ini'm a postman so i get 4 to 5 hours every day with my headphones on and i'm really chewing through some stuff.
i'm after science (evolutionary biology and anthropology especially), history of religion and comedy.
old sci-fi audio books are also a favourite.
Pete Zahut
His language might be a little course at times but Stand-up comedian Dana Gould is a Sci-Fi movie and Hollywood History buff. You can download a lot of his previous stuff and it should keep you going for awhile.
I was surprised today by what I saw a JW driving
by days of future passed ini was out thrift shopping where my sister lives.
before i went in to the store, i went to donut shop a few doors down.
as i walked up, there by the window was a family and others eating donuts.
Pete Zahut
I think the point of the story is that :
JW's aren't supposed to make a showy display of ones means of life....especially while out in field service, lest they distract the householder from the message and/or stumble the JW's of lesser means. JW's are encouraged to pursue the ministry rather than procuring/storing riches in this system. The admonition in their publications and from the platform is to follow the humble and lowly example set by Jesus and the Apostles and to separate oneself from the world and to distain its materialistic pursuits.
(Although if you visit any of the new Bethel complexes, you'd soon realize that material comforts are first and foremost on their minds and they don't give a hoot how showy their properties are. When I was a Bethelite, the higher ranking members were driven to meetings and elsewhere in black Lincoln Town cars. I remember getting counseled when I was young because my car only had 2 doors and was deemed impractical for service.)
Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?
by LoveUniHateExams injust thought i'd start a thread about favourite movies.
mine, in no particular order, are .... alien - a great visual film.
the chest-bursting scene is still great to watch, no matter how many times i've seen the movie.
Pete Zahut
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds.
Directed by Paul Newman 1972 starring Joanne Woodward
The first movie I went to see by myself as a kid but I haven't seen it since. I want to find it and watch it just to see if it was as good as I remember.
Trump explains this generation
by eyeslice2 inglad to see the president making good use of visual aids again after his hurricane debacle.. .
Pete Zahut
Lol. Good one. Thumbs up!
Speaking of thumbs...his thumb is missing in the photo.